Nick and I were having a nice old time at the dog park the other day when a man we've seen there once or twice came over to chat. We've never talked to him in any depth before - I don't think we've even introduced ourselves - basically, we just recognize him and say 'hi.'
Here's a quick description:
He's a short, very stout man. He wears glasses and a button-up shirt tucked into dress pants. He has a bluetooth earpiece that he sometimes talks on. Nick is fairly sure that he is a retired corrections or police officer.
The man has beautiful dogs and I commented on how pretty they were. Then, out of the blue, as if talking about where to find good frozen yogurt or something equally mundane, he says, 'She's on the cover of a movie...Transexual Dog should google it.'
What? Did I hear that correctly? Yes, I did...apparently she is on the cover of "Transexual Dog Walkers."
A few days later I brought up this weird interaction again and Nick and I started talking about it. I thought the man (whose name we still don't know by the way) said...
'She's on the cover of "A" movie.'
But Nick is convinced that he said...
'She's on the cover of "ONE OF MY" movies.'
Wait..what's that again? Now, not only is this stranger nonchallantly telling us that his dog is on the cover of a transexual porn movie, but there is potential that he either directs or stars in transexual porno. Well, after that, we googled. If you dare, click here... We didn't go so far as to actually watch the movie and I think we're both happy with that decision.
5 of the Most Important Poops in History
1 month ago