Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Presidential Puppy

Ok, I said we wouldn't make this blog all about OUR puppy, but I didn't say anything about puppies in general.

Nick and I have been following Barack since December and last night meant a lot to both of us (how often do you follow a candidate for that long and actually see them win?!). He is so awesome in a lot of ways, but last night he added one more reason. He told his daughters during his speech that his girls 'earned the puppy they would be bringing with them to the white house.' How amazingly cute is that? Well, today I went to one of my all time favorite websites and they are taking a poll - what kind of puppy should they get?

Cute Overload is the site.


MJ said...

A big one! You know I'm all about the big dogs, plus it will add extra protection.

If you want, I can teach you the code so you can have your links be actual links instead of having people copy and paste them. Totally up to you, though.

Langy said...

You reminded me that I can do that, so I fixed it now! :-)