Friday, December 5, 2008

Fru Fru Puppy

We took Teddy to be groomed today so he would be nice and spiffy for the holidays. But somehow they managed to not only spiff him up, but completely transform him from the scruffy puppy we adopted to this...

Even his facial expression looks posh! Here's a better look at that bow.

Eventually it became clear that Teddy was not in the mood for photos today. I think he knew he had a bow in his hair.


MJ said...

Teddy's a girl!


AJ said...

Please don't ever do that to Teddy again. Ever. He used to look so awesome. Why did he need to be "spiffed" up?

AJ said...

I think you should change the name of your blog to "Copydog Blog" since almost all of your posts are about dogs.
