So, Tennessee Republican, Zach Wamp believes that health care is a right for some people, but not others. I don't understand these people. They believe that they should have the "right" to health care, but if you are poor than you do not deserve the "right." In my not-so-humble-opinion, these people are the ones that should lose the "right" to health care. We will see how there health care for the privileged argument stands up when they lose their privilege.
Also, we have other republicans who oppose health care reform who make absolutely no sense to me such as Carly Fiorina who plans to run for one of the California Senate Seats. As someone who has just recently battled breast cancer, you would think that she would understand that she would want the same life saving medical treatment if she had been poor. But, no. I guess these people really can't put themselves in our shoes. Those who either don't have health insurance, or those who would lose it very quickly if for some reason they lost our jobs. I deserve health care today just as much if I am laid off tomorrow.
In my mind, when I think of the republican party, I think of the Christian party. That might not be fair, but that is what I think. That just adds to the reason why I don't understand why the majority of republicans are against health care reform. Did Jesus only heal the rich? Would Jesus want a health care system that would cater to the rich and not treat the poor? I think not. But, we live in a society where atheists want universal health care, and Christians think it is a privilege. Is this like opposite day that just won't end?
Arguments against health care reform include the cost, but the GOP finds the money for its projects. By a conservative estimate, the war in Iraq has cost us 500 billion dollars. That is just the war in Iraq, which we can pretty much all agree on was a big mistake. Not to mention the war in Afghanistan and the TARP money. These republican projects--just while Bush was in power and not even considering how much these same programs are still costing us--easily total 2 Trillion dollars (probably much much more). Granted, we may get some repayment for the TARP money, but the point is that even without counting for Tax relief for the rich, the republicans have easily generated Trillions of dollars to accomplish there goals of killing brown people in the desert and bailing out the wealthy.
Finally, republicans state that it will be a move to socialism. I suspect, that like me, you don't really care if your health insurance is public or private at the end of the day. You just want good health care with as little bureaucracy, claim forms, and referrals as possible. You want to know that you will not be dropped seemingly arbitrarily because you are negatively affecting corporate profit margins. You don't want to make the choice between surviving an illness and costing your family their house. I don't care whether it is the government or a not-for-profit provider; what is clear to me is that for-profit provider have failed to provide what I have just mentioned above and it is time for a change.
5 of the Most Important Poops in History
14 hours ago
1 comment:
Hi, it's me, your Christian friend who is 100% for universal health care. Your other Christian buddy who echoes these sentiments also says, "Hi."
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